Angels/Angelic Communication


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Important Notice

With the onset of recent world events, all previous angel messages and archives have been removed allowing for full focus on these latest, most important messages. New messages will be posted as directed. Quick links to all the recent messages:

01/11/22    |    03/03/22    |   *01/11/22 Audio Meditation  

01/11/21   |   *01/11/21 Audio   |   01/19/21  |   03/21/21  |   *03/21/21 Audio  |  

09/22/20   |   06/27/20   |   04/25/20   |   04/05/20   |   03/22/20   |   03/12/20

Angels/Angelic Communication, Messages from Angels, Guardian Angels, Angel Contacts, Angel Guides, Contacting, Readings, Consultations

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Beloved ones,

As your world turns towards the energy of  a new year, being given the gifts of space and time you may anticipate your world being as wonder-filled as you wish for it to be.

Change can be welcomed as the flow of time gives birth to the new seasons of hope and renewal. Change can be thought of as an acronym, a friendly word that brings about courage and inspiration: Choose Happiness Again, New Growth Eternally  (C.H.A.N.G.E.)

There are those who would have you believe and think otherwise: that change needs to be feared or avoided all together. Yet, change can be welcomed as the  quiet reflection of winter gives way to the songbirds of  spring.

We are with you as the Stars twinkling their radiance in the sky, the sunlight shimmering in the streams of clear water, in the frozen earth of winter and in the fertile soil being tilled for planting. As  food can nourish your body, we are with you as your Angels, to nourish your Soul and to refresh your Spirit.

Call upon us in your moments of inward looking or in those when you feel lost and cannot find your way. We stand beside you to guide your way. By listening to the rise and fall of your breath, closing your eyes and being still, as if you’ve opened a window to let the sunlight in, we can connect with you more deeply when you allow us to be closer through your own intent and willingness.

We await your invitation and gladly give of our love to you.

We give thanks to you for allowing us to be in co-creation of this most wondrous Universe of All.

The Angels

Angels/Angelic Communication, Messages from Angels, Guardian Angels, Angel Contacts, Angel Guides, Contacting, Readings, Consultations

Angels/Angelic Communication, Messages from Angels, Guardian Angels, Angel Contacts, Angel Guides, Contacting, Readings, Consultations

I only went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in.

~ John Muir

© 1999, 2005, 2009, 2015, 2019, 2022,  Lee Cook
All Rights Reserved.